Our Rustic Furniture |
Parker`s Maple Barn sells
a complete range of Rustic Furniture Cedar products, both on-site and via
our secure-server on-line Internet store. Cedar furniture is wonderful to
use outdoors for its comform and lasting beauty.
Cedar is naturally resistant to decay and insect damage. Because of this
superior resistance, cedar is the wood of choice for fence construction,
siding on homes and outdoor furniture.
The beauty of the wood itself is one big reason to choose this type of outdoor
furniture. The Northern White Cedar (Thujaoccidentalis) used in our range
of furniture is a creamy white color that weathers gracefully to a silvery
gray when left out in the sun. This same cedar covers many homes on Cape
Cod, and its` color is referred to as Cape Cod Gray. We use Western Red
Cedar (Thuja plicata) in our Arbors and Garden items. It is a dark rusty
red that, like the Northern Cedar, ages to silver gray when untreated.
Cedar is a very light wood (19 pounds per cubic foot), and is easy to work
with. It will not shrink or warp, as do many other woods commonly used for
furniture and garden products.