Directions to Parker`s Maple Barn from Here, There and Everywhere Clear Pixel
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Concord - Manchester Area:
Route 101 West, take the Milford Brookline Exit, sign says Route 13 South. Follow Route 13 for approximately 6 miles until you come to your first overhead blinking yellow light, on the right you will see Parker`s Maple Barn sign. Take a right onto Mason Road and follow for approximately 3 miles, Parker`s Maple Barn is on the left.

North Shore Area: (Tewksbury & Nashua included)
Route 3 North to Exit 6 to Route 130 West. Follow 130 through Hollis (being careful to stay on Route 130), and into Brookline. In Brookline Center there will be the Village Store on the right, shortly after that the road will fork - bear left following the sign to Mason. This will take you up and down a small hill to a stop sign with a red blinking light. Across the street you will see our sign. Go straight across (puts you on Mason Road in Brookline). Parker`s Maple Barn is approximately three miles in on the left.

Boston Area: (Townsend)
Route 2 West to the Concord rotary. From there take a right to Route 119 west. Follow Route 119 through Littleton and into Townsend. At the traffic light at the Townsend Common , take a right onto Route 13 North. Follow Route 13 over the Massachusetts/New Hampshire border. Then at the second overhead blinking light, you will see a Parker`s Maple Barn sign, take a left onto Mason Road (in Brookline). Follow for approximately 3 miles and Parker`s Maple Barn is on the left.

Peterborough Area: (Greenville)
Route 101 East to Milford, take the Route 13 exit, take a right off ramp to Route 13 South following for approximately 6 miles to your first overhead blinking light. You will see a Parker`s Maple Barn sign on right, take a right and follow for 3 miles to Parker`s Maple Barn on left.


Take Route 124 through Sharon to New Ipswich. Go through the center up hill past fire station on right. After crossing small green bridge, take a left onto Route 123, follow to Greenville, just before stop sign bear right, follow out to next stop sign, take a right onto Route 31. Take next left back onto Route 123. Follow through Mason Center (sharp right curve, then church). Follow to bottom of hill and take next left onto Depot Road. Follow to T in road with yield sign. Take a left and follow about 2 or 3 miles to Parker`s Maple Barn on right.
2 x Good Night Boston
2 x Welcome to Our Sugar House Coloring Book
2 x Making Maple Syrup by Noel Perrin
2 x Apple Cinnamon Pancake Mix - 24 oz.
2 x $25 Gift Card
1 x "Parker's Maple Barn" Shot Glass
2 x $75 Gift Card
1 x Laser Cut Miniature Sugar House
2 x Backyard Sugaring by Rink Mann
1 x Alpine Angels Goat`s Milk Soap
1 x Camp Mix - Honey Cinnamon - 3.5 ounces
1 x New Hampshire Auto Decal - Bear
2 x Good Night New Hampshire
1 x "Parker`s Maple Barn" wooden sign
1 x Maple Leaf Bun Warmer
1 x Maple Tea - 24 Bags in Green Tin
1 x Maple Tea - 10 Tea Bags
2 x The Original Maple Tea `The d`Erable` - 48 tea bags
1 x Jane's Crazy Pepper - 2.5 ounces
2 x $10 Gift Card
1 x Dog Treat - Peanut Butter Bear
1 x The Original Maple Tea`The d Erable' - 25 tea bags
1 x Buckwheat Pancake Mix -24 oz
1 x Maple Leaf - Maple Bacon Coffee Medium Roast (12 oz.)
1 x Buttermilk Pancake Mix -24 oz
1 x Dog Treat - Squirrel
2 x $20 Gift Card
1 x "Parker's Maple Barn" Bumper Sticker
3 x Good Night Massachusetts
1 x Parker Hat Khaki
1 x Maple Walnut Fudge
3 x Good Night Lake
3 x $24.00 Gift Box
1 x $100 Gift Card
1 x "Parker's Maple Barn" Syrup Pitcher
1 x Brown Sugar Disc - Bear
1 x All Natural Pure Maple Sugar Crystals, 10 ounce Jar
1 x $50 Gift Card
1 x Maple Candy - Box of 1 Large Piece [leaf]
1 x Brown Sugar Disc - Rooster
1 x Gingerbread Pancake Mix
1 x Maple Peanut Brittle
1 x Maple Sugar Candle - 13 oz
1 x Parkers Maple Barn Sugar House Magnet
1 x Dog Treat - Bone
1 x "Parker's Maple Barn" Souvenir Coffee Mug
1 x "Live Free or Die" Mug
1 x Maple Candy - Box of 12 Pieces
1 x Parkers Maple Barn Restaurant Magnet
1 x Good Night Mountain
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